The Arc Tennessee's Call to Action

The Arc Tennessee’s Call to Action

Achieve with Us to Prevent Devastating Cuts to Medicaid (TennCare) Funding

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) passed the House in early May with a vote of 217-213.  It is now in the hands of the Senate.  Our advocacy must continue.  This legislation proposes a $857 billion cut to Medicaid funding over time.  Senator Lamar Alexander and Senator Bob Corker must hear from their constituents that these cuts cannot be allowed to happen – that they would be devastating to people with I/DD and their families. 

The Arc Tennessee needs your help.  We need you to lend your voice to the cause.  We know that everyone is busy.  We know your time is valuable.  There are many things you can do to help that take less than five minutes.  Please see all the options below and please commit to doing as many as you can…

If you have a few hours:

  • Schedule a meeting with Senator Alexander’s staff at the local office closest to you – go on your own, go as a family, or go as a group representing The Arc

  • Schedule a meeting with Senator Corker’s staff at the local office closest to you - go on your own, go as a family, or go as a group representing The Arc

  • Learn more about how to prepare for a visit here:

  • Attend a town hall meeting for Senator Alexander or Senator Corker; for a list of meetings, check here:

If you have one hour:

  • Write a letter or an email sharing your personal story of how Medicaid (TennCare) has benefitted you and your family and what would happen if the supports went away

  • Share your personal Medicaid (TennCare) story with The Arc here:

  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper

  • Film a short video where you share your Medicaid (TennCare) story and share it with The Arc TN and/or post on Facebook

If you have thirty (30) minutes (or less):

  • Write a short email to Senator Alexander and Senator Corker that simply asks them to oppose cuts to Medicaid (TennCare) without sharing as detailed a story

  • Send Senator Alexander and Senator Corker a postcard opposing Medicaid (TennCare) cuts

  • Respond to Action Alerts from The Arc TN and The Arc US

If you have five (5) minutes or less:

  • Call Senator Alexander’s DC office and tell whoever answers the phone that you are a constituent (and mention your connection to disability) and that you oppose legislation that cuts Medicaid funding

  • Call Senator Corker’s DC office and tell whoever answers the phone that you are a constituent (and mention your connection to disability) and that you oppose legislation that cuts Medicaid funding

  • Contact their local office and share the same message

  • Join The Arc Disability Action Network at

  • If you use social media, “friend” Senator Alexander and Senator Corker on facebook – then share posts from The Arc TN, The Arc US and others that provide information on the devastating impact of Medicaid cuts

  • “Like” The Arc Tennessee on facebook and share our posts

  • “Like” The Arc US on facebook and share their posts

  • Follow The Arc TN and The Arc US on twitter – “retweet” posts

These activities are not just “one and done” – they need to hear from you on a regular basis. 

For more ideas on how to get involved and to get phone numbers, emails, etc. for Senator Alexander and Senator Corker, visit The Arc TN public policy page at and The Arc US Action Center at and their public policy page at  (Please note that The Arc US action center will require you to enter some basic information before “taking action” – this is so that they can track activity from different states and use it for their public policy efforts in Washington DC.

For more information, contact Carrie Hobbs Guiden at